The Unjust Nominations Of Academy for Films and Actors




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This movie of Adam Sandler is a simpe sci-fi comedy movie which is inspired by the most commonplace concept of time machine to look future. The theme and story is neither interesting nor new however it was nominated to in the Oscar for the Best Makeup in 2006. Thanks to sane minded critic the movie could not win the award.

The placement of the movie in the nomination list is itself the hilarious act in the first place. It has a story of workaholic dad who is engrossed in his work that he neglects his family life. In the meanwhile he acquires a magical remote through which he fast forward all the dull moments of his life. However, in the end he realizes that the moments he considered as dull were the only moments he had spent with his family which in reality were the only moments of life which gave him mental and emotional tranquility in reality. Like you I was also amazed to see such simplistic movie in the nomination list of Oscar.

Richard Dreyfuss

Lawrence K. Ho/Los Angeles Times via Getty Images

Best known for starring in the popular films between the 1970s and 1990s, Richard Dreyfuss won the Academy Awards for The Best Actor in 1978 for "The Goodbye Girl". The movie might have been of some interest in earlier day but now it's stale and boring to the viewers.

The role of Elliot Garfield played by Richard Dreyfuss was wanting in the character of neurotic who wants to be an actor and has not been fulfilled to its full demand of the story.


Ian West/PA Images via Getty Images

To the amazement of the viewers, Ben Affleck directed movie "Argo" was given Best Picture Award. The theme of the movie goes as the CIA agents used a fake Sci-fi Flick to rescue the stranded American in Tehran.

Not only this but also Ben Affleck was snubbed for a Best Director nomination. If things go this way then movies like Lincoln, Amour , Beast of the Southern Wild and Bueller should also be considered by the Oscar nominating team. The question still lingers in the mind why the movie deserve such praise despite having simple plot and dull direction.

Marisa Tomei

Hubert Boesl/picture alliance via Getty Images

The choice of Marisa Tomei for Best Supporting Actress in 1992 raised many eyebrows and chocked many throats. There is no denying the fact that the movie "My Cousin Vinny" in which Marisa Tomei played supporting actress was among the classic comedy but the Marissa Tomei selection in place of Judy Davis, Joan Plowright and Vanessa Redgrave was seemed unjustified.

There are controversies of nepotism displayed by the selection committee, but
even some critic remarked it as error by the host of the show due to too much drinking.


Arnaud de Rosnay/Condé Nast via Getty Images

Cher is undoubtedly an established actress who has received critical acclaim for her performance in many popular movies including Silkwood (1983), Mask (1985), The Witches of Eastwick (1987), and Moonstruck to name the few. She even won Academy Award for the The Best Actress despite the fact that her range was very limited in the acting field.

The contentious issue is that although she had won the Oscar she has not been taken as serious actress and has not continued the her career as actress.


Anthony Harvey/Getty Images

Sylvester Stallone's starred movie "Rocky" is a movie on the struggle of a boxer who faces hurdles and overcome his internal fears. The winning of 1977 Oscar by Rocky, beating out all the nominated movies of the year including Taxi Driver, All The President's Men, and Network raises question of the criteria.

Without an iota of objection that rocky is inspiring and motivating movie yet it didn't deserve the Best Picture and Direction Award in place of the other nominated movies.

Renée Zellweger

Randall Michelson/WireImage

Zellweger was the world's highest best actress by 2007 due to the fact that she was nominated for Academy awards from 2002 to 2004 consecutively. She won numerous accolades, including two Academy Awards, four Golden Globe Awards, and two BAFTA Awards.

Her acting no doubt give energy to the otherwise bloating story, the thing that confuse the viewers that how her simplistic and humorous performance have been taken seriously and been rewarded with such highest achievement.

The Hurt Locker

Kevin Winter/Getty Images

It is agreed opinion that The Hurt Locker is good movie and its placement in the nomination list for Best Picture is truly justified. However if it is compared with other movies included in the list of nomination, the winning of the Best Picture award for The Hurt Locker seems undeserving.

It seems unacceptable by the viewers and critics to accpet that this movies has won competition against other outstanding movies such as Up, Inglorious Bastards, Avatar, and District 9. These movies are not only groundbreaking but most liked movies among the masses.

A Beautiful Mind

Albert L. Ortega/WireImage

Russel Crowe's acting in this movie is praiseworthy and deserve appraisal from the critics yet the Best Picture Awards or Best Director Awards in 2002 for this movie seems a little more flattering.

To the disappointment of the critics David Lynch's movies Mulholland Drive which was best pick for the awards was sidelined. Moreover the strikingly awesome directorship of Lynch was also neglected and both awards were given to A Beautiful Mind and its director Ron Howard.

Al Pacino

Enos Solomon/FilmMagic

Al Pacino is among the most favorite and liked hero in the character of mafia movies as well as grudging character. His acting skill are incredible. However if you watch his acting from Scarface to Godfather Part II and to Scent of a Woman, you would find see a total change in his style.

Al Pacino has lost layering of the character and demand of the scene in his later movies and seems to be grumbling and grudging in all characters. To the surprise of the critics he was given life time achievement awards for his performance in The Scent Of A Woman unexpectedly. His earlier works were more deserving as compare to this one.


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Crash features racial and social tensions and present a convincing drama about disastrous element of racism for society. The movie succeeded to win Oscars for editing and screenplay despite the fact it was regarded as the worst among the best pictures nominated for the academy awards in 21st century.

To the surprise of the critics the movie's director, Paul haggis didn't himself considered the movie to be nominated let alone winning the Academy award. In an interview he remarked, "was it the best film of the year? I don't think so."

Tom Hooper


Direction is the art of making a story successfully presentable to the viewers, but some stories possess their inner charm which does not require much of direction. Same is the case with The King's Speech movie which was liked by people not because of its direction but due to its story and attachment it created with the viewers. The nomination of the film for 2010 Oscar was right decision but it doesn't justify Tom Hooper's winning of the best direction award.

There is not much inspiring direction by Tom Hooper as compared to Darren Aronofsky who directed the great films like Black Swan and Coen Brothers' True Grit.

Glenda Jackson

Mike Lawn/Fox Photos//Hulton Archive/Getty Images

Nobody can deny that Glenda Jackson is a great artist on which their is general agreement. She won two academy awards for best performance in two movies: Woman In Love (1970), and A Touch Of Class (1973). The Critics though acclaimed her performance in still then they did not consider her eligible for Academy award.

What did she win the award for when her best romantic comedy films have been forgotten for good ? To make it worse had beaten out the most like films and actress in academy awards such as Ellen Burstyn for The Exorcist, and Joanne Woodward for Summer Wishes, Winter Dreams.

Tom Hanks

Frank Trapper/Corbis via Getty Images

Tom Hanks have been darling hero of the Academy and have won many awards and been nominated several times. Yes everyone agree that some of the starring characters played by Tom Hanks are unparalleled and worthy of Academy awards such as Forest Gump and as Captain in Saving Private Ryan. But Tom's winning of awards for the film Philadelphia in 1993 seems unrealistic especially when you come to know that the competing actors and movies in the nomination list were Morgan Freeman for Shawshank Redeption and John Travolta in Pulp Fiction.

Tom Hanks has obviously maintained his reputation among critics and fans uptil now and his role in movie like Forest Gump is pioneered performance. But fans also agree apart from this the Philadelphia starring didn't deserve to run away with the best Actor awards.

Gary Oldman

Focus Feature / Getty Images

Nobody denies that Gary Oldman's versatilty and and intense acting style and Oldman is regarded as one of the greatest actors of his generation. He is threcipient of numerous accolades including Academy Award, three BAFTA awards, two Critic's Choice Awards and a Golden Globe Award.

The questionable thing is that he is given an Academy Award in the character of Winston Churchil in the movie The Darkest Hour. In this act he spent hours in the make up and acquiring loud noisy tone to depict Churchill. To be honest, If you put his performance against Daniel Kaluuya's Get Out, or Daniel Day-Lewis's in Phantom Thread, it does not even come up to their level. Oldman could have one Academy for his previous acts in several films but The best Actor for Churchil role seems out of reason.

Sandra Bullock

Kevin Winter/Getty Images

The queen of romantic comedies and People's most beautiful and influential woman , Sandra Bullock has proved her artistic abilities. Although her funny and charming personality is easily liked by people yet it does not make her eligible for Oscar especially in the movie "The Blind Side". Even Michael Oher who was the muse of the film was not fan of it.

Every body who watched the movie agreed to the facts that the movie is fun and perfect for TV entertainment. However it does not come up to the level to deserve the academy award. It seems that the award is presented to the story it told and nothing else.

Elizabeth Taylor

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The gorgeous and beautiful actress of her time Elizabeth Taylor won the Oscar for the act in a film which she completed just to fulfill the contract with the MGM. The film "Butterfield 8" was considered by Elizabeth Taylor as nothing else but a vulgar piece of act.

She herself did not even like the act or story yet she put her skills into it. She neither desired to watch that movie again nor talk about it. Despite all her perception, she was rewarded for this act. Later she exclaimed that she did nothing but wore obscene dresses and acted sexy.

Rex Harrison

Art Zelin/Getty Image

There is no contradiction that Rex Harrison is a good who has proved himself among accomplished actors. But his winning of Academy award for My Fair Lady in 1965 is not deserving. In his comparison Peter Sellers performance in Dr Strangelove: How I Learned To Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb, was outstanding as he accommodated three different characters with justification.

It is not in the criticism of Rex Harrison but to face the truth that his performance in My Fair Lady was not worthy of Award.

Jennifer Hudson

Kevin Winter/Getty Images

Academy award for Jennifer Hudson's performance in the film Dreamgrls seems a little too much out of the reality, especially when u see what its worth when an award winning Icon does not have the potential to perform further. Having rose to fame in 2004 as a finalist and then first debut in Dreamgirls it seems too early to deserve the award.

The whole movie is based on her singing ability and their is too little dramatic skills she has deliberated. To the surprise of the critics she was opted in place of more deserving candidates for the awards such as Abigail Breslin in Little Miss Sunshine and Cate Blanchett in film Notes On A Scandal. She needs to give it back as she has not done any other remarkable act in the film industry.

Jean Dujardin

Sylvain Lefevre/Getty Images

The year 2011 is famous for stocks of films and performances of many renown actors including George Clooney, Gary Oldman and Brad Pitt. The out of the blue strike was that Jean Dujardin would leave them all behind and win Academy awards for his performance in a silent called The Artist.

Mr Dujardin was undoubtedly best performer in the act provided in the film and he might have won the accolade next year in competition with other actors. But his beating out all the most favourite actor seems a bit unacceptable.

Tim Robbins

Similarly another disappointment to the critics was was 2003 Oscar for Best Supporting Actor which was yielded to Tim Robbins in Mystic River. To the surprise of the people, Peter Sarsgaard in Shattered Glass was not included in the nomination list despite the fact his role has achieved great appraisal from the critics.

The controversy of not including other best supporting actors who would surely have won the awards from Mr Robbins lingered longer in the minds of critics. It seemed as Academy was too generous towards Tim Robbins that year.

John Ford

(Original Caption) John Ford filming "My Darling Clementine", Monument Valley, Arizona. Undated b/w photograph.

Those who have watched Orson Welles film Citizen Kane and John Ford's How Green My Valley would judge themselves that true deserving candidte for best direction award was none other but Mr Welles. It seems the biggest blunder by the Oscar's Committee.

No doubt both Directors are excellent at par and have produced great work in the entertainment industry. But the ratings of Citizen Kane tells the truth out loud which is indisputably the best directed movie of all time.

A Beautiful Mind

Bennett Raglin/WireImage

This was a great blow the all time best fiction movie series Lord Of the Ring Trilogy when Oscar was handed over to A Beautiful Mind instead of to LOTR. It is an open truth that A Beautiful Mind is not even close to the LOTR in its worth without any harsh feelings.

The folly of the academy was realized and they soon made their mistake upright by giving The LOTR trilogy the academy award it deserved. Such injustice raises questions on the academy's credibility and preferences

Gwenyth Paltrow

Nicholas Hunt/Getty Images for Dior

The year 1999 for Academy Award was full of shocking surprises as Gwenyth Paltrow was awarded the Best Actress Award in place of Cate Blanchett. The critics raised their eyebrows on such favoritism given to Gwenyth Paltrow.

The controversy over this raised which is that Paltrow's achievement for award was due the fact that Harvey Weinstein had did tooth and nail efforts to for the awards.


Jeffrey Mayer / Getty Images

Avatar is nonetheless an animated movie which was almost completely made in a CGI created environment, with animated characters for most of its parts. Motion capture technology was used for most of its parts. However it was nominated as well as reward for Best Cinematography at the 2010 Oscars.

Now the the question is raised here is why this was not included in the best animated movie despite the Academy rules which states clearly that if animation is used 75 per cent the film is will be inducted as animated category. It doesn't satisfy the critics instead raises questions.

Kim Basinger

(Photo by Jason LaVeris/FilmMagic)

Hailed as sex symbol of the 80s and 90s, Kim Basinger won the Academy award for the Best Supporting Actress for her role in L.A Confidential. Its is to be reminded that Titanic movie had captured all attention of the world in the year 1997 and was given many academy awards that year. However, the Academy's focus on it led it to make blunder by misplacing the award as there was a more credible candidate for the award in the category. It should have gone to Julianne Moore in Boogie Nights who seems now the most deserving instead of Basinger.

Mary Pickford

Bettmann / Contributor

Who doesn't know the darling of America from 1920s Mary Pickford. Her winning of the Oscar for heavily criticized film Coquette seemed injustice at the hand of the Academy. Many critics exclaimed that award was granted to her as favor for being the Sweetheart as well as founding charter member of the Academy of Motion Pictures Arts and Science.

She was preferred over more deserving candidates for awards by the academy member who would go to her tea party on her personalinviation.

Cliff Robertson

Patrick McMullan/Patrick McMullan via Getty Images

Cliff Robertson got his Academy awards for his role in the film Charly. Now the people were unfounded by the fact that the not only the movie was a mediocre story but also His role was wanting in sensitiveness of the character.

To the surprise of the viewers and critics alike, the genius act of Peter O'Toole in The Lion In Water was sidelined and Robertson was given preference.

Cuba Gooding Jr

Daniel Zuchnik/FilmMagic

Among many actors who won accolade and then soon fell off the face of the earth is Cuba Gooding Jr. The story goes like this that Gooding achieved Best Supporting Actor award for his peformance in 1996 film Jerry Maguire and then did not even try to win any other minor accolades further.

The unexpected thing that occured was that Hewon over the race aginst Edward Norton in Primal Fear, and William H. Macy in Fargo that year. The reviews of the critics are open to every one and more appraising of their role than Gooding.

Mira Sorvino

Noam Galai/Getty Images

Often times luck rewards person too soon and more than he/she deserves. Mira Scorvino tale of achievement is same. She won Academy Award for the Best Supporting Actress for her performance in the film Mighty Aphrodite 1995.

Her short acting career soon made her Oscar winning artist and since then she has not done anything of value. Although her performance in various movies was satisfactory but none prove to be worthy of the Oscar.

Roberto Benigni


Many comedians have won award for their performance and there in wrong being a comedian. However comedy act should be at par excellence. The role played by Roberto Benigni in Life Is Beautiful does not come to the excellence worthy of the Oscar.

The role he played in the movie is funny and pleasant but compared to other candidates his role soon goes unnoticed. He robbed Oscar from Tom Hanks is yet an unacceptable by critics.

Geoffrey Rush

HOLLYWOOD, CA - MAY 18: Actor Geoffrey Rush attends the premiere of Disney's 'Pirates Of The Caribbean: Dead Men Tell No Tales' at Dolby Theatre on May 18, 2017 in Hollywood, California. (Photo by Rich Fury/Getty Images)

Another folly at the hands of the Academy is rewarding Geoffrey Rush with the Oscar for the Best Actor in the movie Shine. Rush performance was not bad in the movie but the issue here is was it worthy of Oscar ? But if compared this to Tom Cruise performance in Jerry Maguire, it seems that he had been robbed unjustly.

It is common fact that comedies rarely wins Oscars, and if Tom Cruise was able to win one it must have been a standard in this sort of category.

Art Carney

Michael Montfort/Michael Ochs Archives/Getty Images

One must be fool to regard Art Carney a bad actor. His acting is at par and it often seems injustice to to say anything wrong about him. However the truth remains open to the eyes of the people Academy's choice of Carney's role in Harry and Tonto seems a sheer blunder.

The film was good and had positive reviews from the critics yet the rival movie candidate Al Pacino for Godfather II was more deserving.

Paul Scofield

Evening Standard/Hulton Archive/Getty Images

Despite the fact that Scofield's performance in the movie did not reach its brilliance. It was o.k but did not fulfill the requirement of the character. But being the Academy's favorite movie A Man for All Seasons , the movie won 6 Oscars. Consequently it seemed justified by the Academy that Scofield should also be handed one.

The reason that critics criticized the Academy's selection is that Scofield beat out the award from Burton who's role in Who's Afriad of Virginia Woolf?. Scofield role was soon forgotten nut Burton's performance became imprinted in the mind and heart of the viewers.

Robert Donat

John Springer Collection/CORBIS/Corbis via Getty Images

The tale of Academy's blunders does not stop here. In 1939 Mr Robert Donat was given accolade for his performance in the classic play Goodbye Mr.Chips. Although neither the movie could hold out against the test of the time nor Mr Donat played any influential role in the play, still he got away with award.

In the same year another movie Gone With The Wind was released and its main character Clark Gable's performance has made mark in and withstood all test of the time. Yet he was not considered that year. He was more deserving than Donat.

Jon Voight

Roy Rochlin/Getty Images

Okay we all agree that Jon Voight was among the most talented actors. He won his accolade for his role in 1978 war drama Coming Home. His career was at peak until he squandered all his wealth.

His winning of Oscar is all right with the critics but it should be nominated the other year and not 1978 because at the same year Robert De Niro's movie The Deer Hunter was considered more deserving.

Christopher Plummer

Photo by Jim Spellman/WireImage

Who is not known of Christopher Plummer ? He is among the brilliant actors ever produced by the Hollywood. He has won many accolades for various roles he played so far. However the blunder that Academy did was that they put him in the best supporting actor award in the film Beginners despite the fact that he was the main character and appeared almost in 80% of the scenes in the movie.

If he really deserved the award it should be given in the category of Best Actor . Supporting Actor does not seem justified with the role of Christopher Plummer.

John Wayne

Bettmann / Getty Images

John Wayne is an indisputable classical character which in not arguable. But not every role of every classic is worthy of Oscar. John Wayne is legendary actor who has played memorable roles in many classic movies. His True Grit is one among many of these.

But if seen realistically, the same year 1969 release of Midnight Cowboy starred by Dustin Hoffman is more deserving performance but it was sidelined.

Dances With Wolves

If you ask people to name any scene from the movie Dances With Wolves you will not be disappointed to see that people will be blank with any answer. The movie is good to watch and entertaining. However if seen in comparison to its rival movies The Goodfellas for 1990 Oscar the allocation of the award seems undeserving.

Goodfellas proved to be most liked and watched movie of all times and though it won its deserving accolade the proceeding years it had to face the unjust treatment of the academy in 1990.

Halle Berry

Jeff Kravitz/FilmMagic, Inc

This a most popular story of controversial treatment of the Oscar Academy. Halle Berry was the first coloured woman to have won the Best actress Award in 2002. After her there have been add 6 more coloured actresses in the nomination list but none has been truly rewarded.

She though broke down racial barriers but her future more astounding roles have not been rewarded


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