She Put The Turkey In The Oven For 8 Hours — But When She Took It Out, Her Guests Were Horrified



Thanksgiving is the wonderful time of the year when we get together with our family, enjoy a hearty meal, and reflect on everything we’re thankful for.

But it can also go wrong in a hurry. With all that cooking, someone’s bound to set something on fire… or worse! Just be grateful your Turkey Day didn’t end up like these…

1. He’s not invited next year.

The Chive

2. The only people who looked sadder than this turkey were the ones eating it. 

The Chive

3. “The turkey smells like it needs its diaper changed.”

The Chive

4. Just when you thought it was safe, the turkey became a twerky.

The Chive

5. “I am thankful for this roadkill we have to eat.”

The Chive

6. “This is why we don’t let Uncle Andy host Thanksgiving.”

The Chive

7. It’s not a party until something’s on fire.

The Chive

8. Technically, it will still cook. 

The Chive

9. Smells like somebody forgot to buy the turkey.

The Chive

10. “Sheila’s boyfriend always brings the most creative gifts!”

The Chive

11. Brown frosting: because you weren’t thinking about poop already.

The Chive

12. Makes a great pumpkin pie chaser. 

The Chive

13. These dads agree: grilling a turkey is hard.

The Chive

14. This is how vegetarians are made.

The Chive

15. Somebody cover up that bird! It’s indecent! 

The Chive

16. Good for Thanksgiving and Halloween!

The Chive

17. Mmmm, tastes like burning.

The Chive

18. To be fair, he does seem relaxed. 

The Chive

19. What happened here?

The Chive

20. Many birds died to bring us this information.

The Chive

These make even my worst Thanksgiving seem like the best day ever. They can’t be unseen!


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