How the Russian boy's Apocalyptic opinion snatch the rest of Scientists?



Life on other Galaxies a science fiction or fact!

Many of are used to imagine the life on other planets. We come across these imaginative thoughts because of media/literature or fictional movies.

Most times these opinion building sources effect our thinking thus enabling us to wander other planets and galaxies by simply sleeping on our fluffy pillows.

Recently almost two decades back, a boy from Russia expressed his strange thoughts. He claimed that some extraterrestrials are enforcing the earth. His expression was interpreted differently, scientist believed that boy is the proof of life on Mars. The tale was taken as proof of existence of Mars.

This cause the scientist to do a lot of research to find the evidence of life on mars and the existence of aliens on earth.

The name of the boy was Boris Kipriyanovich, as he born he was able keep his head up without support which realized his parents that he had exceptional qualities and a special one.

Alien Boy

He was amazing at the point of his birth in 1996, the Russian boy had certain outstanding features as was able to produce voices few weeks after his birth and was competent to write at the age of one and half an year.
This was strange for his family and community, as no kid be too much efficient at this age.

Further, he astonished his teachers at the age of two years when he took admission in school. The teachers were surprised to see the little scientist in their class, as having great knowledge as compared to other students in the class.

Expert in Galaxies

The queer thing about him was that he was per master in various sciences before his birth, depending upon the extraordinarily knowledge he has having in age small age.

His specific field of knowledge was universe, he had facts about stars, constellations and planets. He was said a genius child by expert on the basis of his strange opinion. What i was?

7 year story

At the age of seven, he was with his parents on a tour, he was little boy wearing T-shirt and baseball cape. he asked them to pay attention as he was having something interesting for them

Savior of World

The parents did not pay attention but soon he grasped the attention, he said he belongs to Mar and is there to protect the world.

Indigo Children.

He explained, he spent his previous life on Mars and is born here to rescue the earth. He also referred to some others from Mars and called them “Indigo Children.”

Hit the scientists

He said that earth is in perplexing situation, Boris expressed these as a child. He expressed his bizarre thoughts which led to commotion around

Mars people information

Boris gave some interesting facts about Mars people, he said they are tall, developed technology and they were having short life span as compared to humans on this planet, an average life of 35.They are able to move from one galaxy to another.

Boris on Mars

Boris remembered his previous life as:
“I remember that time when I was 14 or 15 years old,”

“The Martians were waging wars so I would often have to participate in air raids with a friend of mine…”


He further said:
“We could travel in time and space flying in round spaceships, but we would observe life on Earth on triangular aircraft. Martian spaceships are very complicated. They are layered, and they can fly all across the Universe.”
He said these advancement in their technology became the reason of their destruction.


Boris said advancement and technology became the prime reason of Martians fall, this now the same situation with the world, it led to nuclear conflict. He alerted...

Similarity Between Earth and Mars

“catastrophes on Mars,” Boris called his people as, interpreted some same phenomena on Mars and Earth. Mars too was like earth before demolition, and now its turn of earth to go for destruction.

Good News

He draw a comparison between trigger-happy dictators of earth and Mars's alleged homeland. Along destructive figures he said something Pleasant... What?


He explained the good news in these words:
“The human life will change when the Sphinx is opened,”
“It has an opening mechanism somewhere behind the ear.” But he did not know the more details he admitted.

Pyramids of Giza

Boris also claimed that the Pyramids of Giza has certain mysteries, but hope so these are just the wanderings of little fictitious kid! ..Right

Discovery at Great Pyramid of Giza

After ten years of child interpretation, the scientists traced some fact on Great Pyramid of Giza while using certain technology.

What it was?

Scientists used cosmic technology, above the Grand Gallery they found a complete void. Unknowing why it was there?

Inter-galaxies path

Boris must have an interesting or another factitious story about that void, but it was unknown why it was there, Perhaps ! it was there as intergalactic travelling bath for spaceship.

Interesting Boy

Boris appeared in many interviews on after and other and opened another Pandora's box.

Many considered it as fiction and dream of Boris but other were forced to think about the fact and his genius was actually intriguing.

More aliens

Boris ingenuity compelled some to accept his thoughts , some disagreed while others started to prove themselves alien through various tricks.
Unfortunately, they were not as successful as Boris was..

World Attentions

Boris expressions compelled the various governments to move around spaces. They launched radio telescopes, probes and other tools to proof the life on Mars.

Individual Reserch

Many individuals alienating themselves from governments held their own research in space.

Boris extraterrestrials concept so viral that it developed the ambitions and strengthened the enthusiasm of researcher.

Their Aim

The researcher believed that governments of the world had admitted the fact of Boris thoughts, that is why they launched their spaceship to Mars.

So, they aimed to do something more on the behalf of their own and were enthusiastic to explore truth before any one else.


One of the organization in United States - Secureteam has the same task, they are working on the hidden truth of alien life, and are ambitious to explore the facts.

Secureteam Page

They do have a page - Secureteam’s YouTube which has huge collection of videos, which are exploring the facts of alien life.

It has more than 1.3 million followers, when their location was traced they from South Georgia Island and Antarctica areas.

Strange Object

Tyler on his video focused in one of the area of snow on the island, there was some strange object on the ground- it seemed as little alien object..

Tyler Expression

Tyler explained its existence as:

“It appears to me at least to be some sort of massive, elongated or cigar-shaped object that at some point, and we don’t know when, came to a screeching halt in the snow, leaving behind it almost a 1,000-meter-long trail,”

Many alien objects

When further investigation was made there, the snow mountains in island was damaged and numerous alien and wired objects were found there. Which in turn make the investigators more conscious for further research, on aliens.

New Perception For New Object

It was identified that mysterious object, like the artificial objects, was moving in the straight one direction. But that object not seemed to be of our worlds. The object was like dropped from another planet, might be by some Alien.

Tyler Prediction For Object.

Tyler and his co-workers believe that the object was part of mountains, and has dragged due to the gravitational force from mountains to the earth, and not something, which belongs to the Alien.

Object Of Alien

That wasn't the main hypothesis Tyler and his pals at Secureteam concocted, either. They additionally accepted that the item could have blasted out of the mountain itself subsequent to being set there by obscure outsiders!

Satellite Image

Neither expert scientists nor the people at Secureteam could state a great deal convincingly about the puzzling item. All things considered, they just had a solitary satellite picture to continue work…

Another sign for Alien

In 2017 there have been found a unique iceberg found in Antarctica, which add more to the believer as it could not be a natural disaster, but most probably activity of Aliens from Mars.

Novel Ice Berg

The iceberg was novel, and totally different from the existing icebergs, it seems that it has been placed over there from another world.

Not even single similarity has been found between the novel and the existing ice berg, which forced the people to think, it is not of this world.

New Secret In Antarctica

Volunteers from" Secureteam " they stepped towards Antarctica and found an interesting thing over there. This was actually the signs of American naval base.

Is Antarctica Center of Aliens?

Antarctica became the center of "conspiracy theory". As the believers of this theory thought that Antarctica, is the place where aliens land on earth from mars.

The American government was put under doubt, as for long time the American government have run their underground naval bases in Antarctica.

Government Under Court

The believers of conspiracy thought that government also has contacts with the people of other worlds. But in real government was not involve in any type of this fuss.

The efforts of government to stop people from thinking about all unreal things, bring no fruit. Moreover, people considered them liars.

Promotion of conspiracy theory

The situation became more technical to understand after the getting picture from satellite. The picture was of "South Georgia Island".

This picture proves to be favorable for believers of conspiracy theory. The believers assumed the whole story by themselves, without any approval from geologists.

Reality Inside Video

That viral video was watched by many experts to understand the complications. The video was confirmed 100%, that it was just normal sliding of glacier from the mountain, nothing else existed in this.

He said sorry, but please let the things same as it they are.


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