A Moment of Shame Turns Out to be a Moment of Fame. Find out The world's most epic identification pictures or rather Mugshots



Famous Micah Musser with his unique neck arts.

This Kentucky teenager might have being having some sensual moments before he was caught by the police. In a deeper way, he seems to have being in a kissing scenario before the police caught him and made an identification picture. He was probably caught in an illegal club doing the dirty kissing. Stay tuned for more.

This 18 year old from USA took the viral phrase of the day in the police justice department with his unique discolored neck. Our assumption were not wrong because this teen was caught doing all sort of dirty things to a minor. He was caught and aligned in court as well. What broke into the internet is his amazing birth marks around his neck which literally show the sucking session while defiling the minor. breaking of law will lead you into fame later but the teen was facing the wrath of jail.

From Shame to fame: Check out this epic Identification pictures or rather mugshots.

meet Mekhi Alante Lucky, "Luckiest rules-violator

Identification pictures are taken back in the criminal and justice centers for the law breaker identification. they are also called mugshot and sometimes it is not always good to be involved in such cases. So many people fins themselves on the long side of the law and it does not always go all well.In this context, seeing various identification picture will drive you into tears of laughter and probably this is what made this lawbreakers fame. Photo shooting is done for fun time by free people. Some law breakers take photo shooting chances so far in the criminal departments for their identification pictures. Below is a description of awesome pictures taken in the jurisdictional of the law as identification pictures or mugshots. The eye is quite unique though.

Te wioman in the above image broke the internet with her identioifiactyion picture in the police custordy. Her wierld but awesome looking eyes definantly broke the internet and this brought a nice vibe in the online sensation. It earned and gave this woman fame. I thing she is free and enjoying the fruits of freedom. The image of this north carolina mann is just sensational. arrested in 2016, many find this guy as handsome. the question reamins why wouild someone think of finding love in the prison?

from the look of his eye, one will think that this is an epic swag or a funny accessory in hims eye. To prove this wrong, it turns out that this is a problem that most people have with a eye. medical disorder. More interesting, this guy was a center of attraction to a modeling firm in ATL alias Atalanta-based agency of modeling. In 2017, this guy was registered as a model here and he is doing more than fine. keep track of the next one bellow.

"A hottie gone naughty: Check out about Shannon Csapilla..

This woman got many wondering:"what is wrong with this hottie and beautiful lady". The truth of the matter is that she decided o take matters into her own hands by revenging the action of another lady messing with her man. She went ahead and wrecked this lady's car and the next action that happened was being caught by the police.

This 20 year old lady from Stamford was caught in the wrong side of the laws. the woman in the art of breaking the law was aligned in the justice door by her lover's "other girlfriend" when she did the worst to her car. later on her image was all over the internet with sensational and sentimental look of beauty but with a criminal mind. some find it sweet to be associated with a criminal who is a hottie. Collaboratively, i think she might as well being released from the custody.

Santa being punished. But why?

the man in the art of "facing the wrath of the law is a 58 years old man from Florida. his look will deceive you because one will think that Santa gone naughty. in this context, the man was caught by the police and an identification picture was taken of him. He was stealing unlawfulness drug. this "Santa" was being Naughty.

The man in the image was caught while stealing cocaine. His name is Fidel Gonzalez and this identification picture was taken in a custody as a mugshot. He is a cocaine seller and i think business was booming until the police decided to show up and cut his little money making project. I wish this picture is not seen by kids because they will get it twisted about Santa manners and projections in the society. Cocaine is also know as snow.

Angela green gets messy to the police.

This 34 year old woman is showing no chills to the police. I my own opinion, Angela Green was tired of explaining himself to the police and all she would do is having fun to the highest. this identification pictures broke the record in the custody and in the social media. She might wanted to kiss the cop photo guy. This is all crazy.

the woman was bailed out eventually but before that had happened, a lot had gone through her and his arrests. The identification picture is as a result of unwilling arrest and this could be the reason that she was innocent to what she was being charged off. a bond of $354 for misleading information could be a harsh price for this woman.

jeremy the famous convict.

This blue eyed man Jeremy meek has being the talk of social media for a long time. in 2014, in 2017 and many more time. This hot convict went viral across the globe because of his looks and well build facials. It sound be so obvious that this guy is a jail king with all this ,looks. It is not known how long he will stay in this domain of rehab.

Stockton Police Dept/Getty

Jeremy was a gang member and all they got themselves involved to dirty actions on the streets of Stockton. This 34 year old man become the center of fame after this image was released. From shame, the guy started signing modeling contracts after his release. Now he as cat walking and making dollars in a legitimate way. The scene of fashion was born to this guy and by now he should be living a well life than the past.

arresting looks of Meagan McCullough.

stay tuned to find out what this convict did but i a moment, her beauty do not allow her to be in this state. In what seems to be okay with her, also known as Simmons., she seems to be this beautiful to make even the police get it twisted on her. She was lucky to get famous behind the bars and this is the strangest part.

This awesome looking law breaker broke the Internet with her beauty. She was a convict at HILLSBOROUGH COUNTY POLICE DEPT where she had to cry because she would not believe finally she was a prisoner. A lot of meme were produced and this was her chance to get famous for this identification picture was taken, this woman was terrified and she was crying mercilessly. The sensual identification picture or rather the mugshot made her famous in a vast way. This identification picture have promoted marriage proposals as well.

Sarah Seawright on her "killing beauty"

At the moment, many forgot that this lady was a convict, they focused on her stunning beauty and the way she rocked the internet with her beauty. What did Sarah do? But in a moment. she was crying for justice in a way but it was all getting more beautiful and interesting. Attributing her looks with those of Mona lisa smiles would not be wrong at all. This identification picture makes her look like a model.

this hottie was a center of controversial in the internet domain. many claimed that this beauty should have being kept in the house arrest system, but the rule of law is equivalent to all.In a more elaborated way, the queen failed to turn up in court and all this is what that got her caught by the lengthy arm of the lawa. Nickname such as prison queen and bae were made to her by various people on the internet.

Alysa bathrick with her famous I.D

This lady's beauty will make you go crazy but understanding that she was a convict by then, one might tend to pump some brakes. A self proclaimed queen of the identification pictures or rather mug shots went viral across the internet with her beauty. He criminal act of "illegally distributing Xanax" was graced by her beautiful eyes which were very stunning. She looks innocent but lets get to know.


This lady admitted his woes and later got released. in about four hours in the custody, this 18 years old lady got out of prison with a caption of her identification picture. She posted that she was free as well in the twitter and this got many attention to her. Being associated with jail made her feel tough and more brave than before. she went ahead and shared it in the media.

the dramatic Kathryn Dennis

when she was 230 years old, this hottie decided to take alcohol and this was not the legal age for her. from then, she has being a center of controversial with various incidences of her being on the wrong side of the law. she looks beauty but this beauty is not all that fair. back in 2020, she was trending over her beauty behind bars.

In a more elaborate manner and way, this lady's popularly known for her excellence in the acting domain. she has featured in many sentimental and sensual romance soap and being behind bars is a little bit rick.her other profession include modeling and it is all getting twisted top see her face all this charges. The identification picture or rather the mugshot potrails her beauty in all aspects.

The londe behind bars " Catherine Hunt"

This identification picture is a center of beauty and looks which seems to be very good. behind the scene of this beauty is a woman who was accused of stealing gold and expensive jewelry and gem worth 2 million US dollars. this was as a result of her intent t in stealing his ex-boyfriend share during her divorce. this can be explained as a heist of a love circle.

Pinellas County Jail

More into the details, the year was back then in 2016 when this lady was free again. all the charges were dropped by a prosecutor in this court and she was free again. he ex fiance kept on suing this lady from time and all went in vain. This is just the beginning of another story of the famous hotties who have being made to stick in the bars.

Tara Lambert deceiving looks

Tara Lambert is an all time lady associated with beauty. straight to the reason as to why she is on bars, she tried to kill the fiance of his ex-husband. He wild thoughts of hiring a hit-man to make this kill were very insane. this beautiful soul could not bare it all. in a more detailed way, she used to be a model and her beauty was vary appealing even to the eyes of the camera man. Murder cases are not discriminating of looks at all.

Police Handout

In 2016, her judgement was overturned but with a lot of difficulty. Tara managed ton get out the messy situation at that very instance but she left a lot of marks in the custody doors. In a more elaborate way, her identification picture still cause stirs in the social media.about this model and actress, she has various production arenas where she nature talented young model to cat walk but not to kill. She made history with her true appearance of the mugshot world.

Gabrielle Hill accused of "having good looks"

In 2009, nobody seemed to care what Gabrielle Hill had done to face the wrath of the law. all that mattered at the moment was her stunning eyes and sensual appearance on the identification picture. One can say she is fairly mad and worried but the fact the she remained perfect in the mugshot is a thing to admire. she had zero flaws and this can be more appealing to anybody.


Definitely one need to know what was happening to this lady. In a report by the involved police department, this woman was charged to to having in possession with various drugs and illegal substances. THC was one of the illegal substance. Paraphernalia was the second drug that got this lady to face the whipping of justice and law in a more essential way.

Jennifer Jensen got by sup-rice in the mugshot arena

Online dwellers and bloggers were thrilled by Jennifer Jensen image in the arena of identification in the police custody department. As it seems in a clear note, the lady seemed drunk and this got a lot in the online domain happy and smiley. She looks innocent but drunk as well.

DFA Pictures

in Osceola in 2011, this incident happened where this lady was caught by the police drunk and still on wheel. this was an action to safeguard her life and also discipline her. She had to get punished for all this occurrences and happenings. The lady seems to fake it that she is not drunk but it is is what it is. Look at her eyes, they are all swollen are they?

Toni Lee Hopkins? But why?

This got me amused at the moment. Legendary actress and Television personality Toni Lee Hopkins was caught on the wrong side of love by the judicial system. But in a moment, the looks that she gave while posing for the identification picture got everybody surprised by the perfect display of beauty. her cheekbone are the center of attraction in a robust way.

DFA Pictures

In Texas city, being a stripper is a sexual offend and the law will not take it easy on you. This lady was caught by the police in Texas city when she was entertaining her clients with her perfection of his young body. In a more robust way, the police did not strip her but they forced her to strip in the prison for a while. at this point, all to consider was her beautiful mugshot ton it's finest.

The kind of gangster love. Beat you with love

In Florida, all was not going well. inmost cases, there should be zero cases of matrimonial fights and chaos. This has changed in the modern way of life and ethics. In a broader way, various occasion happened where a man violates the rights of a woman or vice versa. in this case, the woman violated the rights of this many.

Student Brands.com

This stunning soul went viral across the internet domain where this woman had absolutely beautiful looks on her identification mugshot. In a more elaborate way, this instance her beauty had turned into that of a beast because he was charged with whipping his husband with a toaster. She claimed that the husband had not cooked her breakfast in the right way.

Rachel Glenna Fisher woes in the custody.

Rachel Glenna Fisher the "smashing" beauty" became the center of discussion in the state of Cobb county. This woman was accused of hitting and smashing a DJ lady who had worn some outfit that dis not please hr as well. This Georgia woman managed to take the internet with her looks and various people forgot her felony act. She have the looks of arrogance though.

Cobb County Sheriff’s Office

According to the police reports, the cases was recorded at a hallow-en party in Georgia near a tavern or inside the tavern. Explaining to the police on various detailed, the DJ claimed that this woman had a special art of fighting known as karate and she used this skills to assault her. According to the DJ, the attacker was high of something.

The worst happened

In 2015, Ralitsa Ivanova was caught with the act of driving under the influence of a intoxicating substance. This model is not known to controversial but at this time, she was caught doing the un-lawful act. She was driving on the wrong lame drunk and when a test was done to her, she was found guilty as charged. The drinking test inn this state ids not always correct though.

NY Daily News

This 29 years old model had to explain it all to the police when her BMW was spotted on the wrong side of the road on a speedy mode. In a disdainful explanation, the police had to think of making her understand that the rule of law applied to anybody at the moment. The mugshot as to many people's notion is that this sexy model was not supposed o spend a night in the police custody. either way, despite of her career and image, the identification picture was taken.

Kristen Johnson the nasty and bizarre nurse.

despite her looks, she did one of the most un-ethical things in the doctrines of medical health. This nasty nurse was convicted and aligned in court for taking various nude picture of sick patience in the hospital. How they cam e to realize it is quite fishy nut this beautiful medical attended had to face it all in the court. But it is evident that this lady is a Hottie.


In 2016, this nurse medical licence was grabbed away from her following this actuation. she was sent to a 3 years probational [period to check on her manners. in a more robust way, this hottie took the platforms of the social media and various people said that she was a hottie. To me she is not but her action were quite wanting.

The feminine version of Jeremy Meeks known as Angela Coates

In 2014 and 2017, various individuals were trending for the wrong reasons. Two convicts were trending because of their looks and beauty. Jeremy and this lady were tending because they have inner posses of beauty that no one could withstand. Seems that everybody is looking love in the collection facilitates.

DeKalb County Sheriff’s Office

The 22 year old lady from Georgia was convicted for less than a day in a Georgia custody. It was not clear as to what had led this lady to face the wrath of the law but various things had happened. She was reffed to the female version of Jeremy. She was happy with all this at all because she was interested in safeguarding her professional life. in a descriptive way, this hottie was a center of social media debates which was a good thing at that instant time.It is still documented as the best identification pictures in the laws world.

The stunning looks of Katie Rees

Various celebrities have various scandals that occur to them on a regular. Former Miss Nevada USA crowned in 2006 was a center of all sought of scandals and countervails. This image of her on a mugshot says it all. This was among her legal controversies that got fans like her behind bars as well. She was a beauty and a bury.

Las Vegas Metro police Department

This identification picture was taken when she was accused with evidence of smuggling illegal nude pictures of various modes. in a broader way, this was her second tie of the year to be associated with gal scandals and controversies. In a more elaborate way, this was the time the her career was suppose to be boosted through certain action. her act of being caught was used to boost her attention.

Veronica Rodriguez and her vibe on convict uniform. why you??

To me, this is the hottest convict female that i have meet. the eyes, the hair, the lips the neck is all perfect. her manners that lead to her being a felony get me twisted as well. this 19 year old was arrested and taken to custody to to drunk driving. She looks hang-overed in a way but her beauty in this identification picture is fanatstic

DFA Pictures

This lady took the social media networks with her beauty and being associated with another a singer songwriter and actress on the same name. in an elaborate way, she remain to be one the hottest female in the game and her actions are just awesome. The identification picture is photogenic and so is her body.

Jessie Alexander the actress gets corn-full.

Everybody wants to be associated with people who have made it in the bussines of theatre. this 14 years old actress took his expertise in another level. She tricked peiople on her abiklity to pruduce good cintent to their loloo9cal shows but all this went wrong. she corned alot of people many dollars and this is what made queen come into the hands of the lwas.


Acused of fraud, this woman was probably jailed. back to the center and the maters at hand, this beauty made debated in various internet domain. After he got money from all this fraud activities, this actress managed to live an extra lifestyle and i think this one here got the police thinking. a business owner turned into a felony breaker is worse than it seems. but at-least she looks good on that mugshot.

This gang member queen was arrested due to various reason. despite the reason, one can honestly say that she looks fierce and beautiful at the same time. the tattooing make her fierce and the hair make her beautify. in a logical way, the gang fellows of this lady are all getting it twisted. Their model is taken and they have no here to go.

Fresno Police Dep

This lady y the name Ponce at the age of 20 became a vibe to the internet dwellers after Fresno police department posted her identification picture. She is associated with hardcore ganstership and this attracted her arrest. This image was trending ion the social median domain with over one million views and likes. she could be a model at all instances. In more convincing scenarios and situation, she was charged and found guilty with two felony charges as well.

Jacob Miller the son of the sheriff.

This guy was charged with various violation and misconducts. He was charged with possession of narcotics and also the charge of weapon violation. In 2011, the California golden boy and son of a Serif was accused with theses conducts nut ladies in the medias could not keep quite.


The hunk who was a so to a Sherri f was caught and aligned in court following the above charges. It seemed tricky to jail this guy due to his father supremacy in the laws system. it seems to me that the hand of the law scrutinize everybody and everyone. In an collaborative tone. This boy was a fame from the shame of his father being a Sherri f and still detained..

Sarah Furay the "innocent" drug lord

Judging from her innocent and awesome looks, this girls seems innocent and safe from being involved with any deep charge of law. This is not the case though. In 2015 Sarah Furay was busted by various police departments where she was found in posses of various narcotics which included LSD, Ecstasy, cocaine, meth and many more. her identification picture went viral due to her looks.

College Station Police Dept

Other factors that led to this lady trending and getting viral across the globe is that her family ties and status could note allowed anything like that to happen. Among her parents was a DEA agent and this made the whole thing twisted and funny. The fact that she was smiling was that maybe a relative was taking an identification picture and all was getting juicy. sorry to the family as well.

Morgan Joyce Varn matching with custody

The 24 year old woman by the name Morgan Joyce Varn made the social media platforms go wild with various bizarre tattoo-in and inking. Forget about her criminal issues but the tattooing and inking was just on another level. This was little bit too far for a lady. Is this the reason as to why she was arrested. Lets's find out.

Lancaster County Sheriff’s Department

Aligned in court of Las Vegas due to her gangster actions. In a descriptive way, this lady was aligned in court after he stole, robbed and vandalized properties worth a lot of money. She also attempted to kidnap ad after all this case, the proper action was to detain her for a rehab mode. Her tattooed body still stirs conversation in the media in a broad way. The eye made many people including the photographer twisted.

Sean Kory the second version of Jeremy Meeks.

If one look keenly, there is no that huge difference to associate this fellow with Jeremy meeks. In a descriptive way, they look like twin brothers or brothers at some point. This guy took the media platform with his resemblance to a famous model; and a former felony. in the Halloween of 2014, the man assault various individuals.

Santa Cruz Police Department

Competitively, this is the famous mugshot of all time and he guy did not take the turn of Jeremy. He was pretty more ,like Jeremy. The man is from Californian and his green eyes will make you fall in love with him. For the ladies though. In the night of hallowed, he was dressed like a Fox news presenter. These are just but the best situation that no one ever created.

Kathryn Lemler another case of DUI

Kathryn Lemler is a cute lady from USA but she has taken drinking and driving into another level. This beautiful looking lady has made it clear than a smile is worth keeping even on the other side of the law. she is beautiful and all this is what matters at the moment. Look at her eyes. I can explain her as charismatic.

DFA Pictures

This 19 year old lady from California is beautiful. this picture stirred around the media platform and both gender commented about her beauty. in a broader way, she was a digitalist herself and this made her easier to trend. She should be a model anyway. and she is beautiful.

Why her? Is law all this cruel? This is Tammy Lee Hinton btw

This could be the worst of all scenarios that happened Anyway. this is after Tammy Lee Hinton was forced to finish her matrimonial wedding inside a cell cube. With her wedding code, this was epic in the medias and internet where various people had ask why at that time. the woman was in a deceitfully actuation of stealing the identity. The laws could not wait and the fundamental thing was to scrutinize her actions.

Jackson County Police

I think she wanted to always remember this moment of trauma. I my own opinion, she might have being granted the chance to change the outfit but she let it lose and got and identification picture with her wedding code on. In a few hours later, the husband came and saved her as well.

Khamprasong Thammavon the demon ganster.

This gang member in Californian was 33 years old in 2016 when the long hands of the law caught her. In a broader way, the main point of interest is his bizarre tattoo and various body piercing. The identification picture or rather the mugshot was one wield thing that ever happened in this place. In a more elaborate way, he had turned his head to the gang as well.


His extra tattooed body helped the police in identifying this gangster. he was found with possession of weapons and various drugs. He had violated various probational rules and he was at the run in a more distinct way. The convict was jailed and there was nothing that could be done eith his excessive inking and body piercing.

Justin Lamar Richardson swag to the police.

The South Carolina man knew what was best for him was to take the identification picture eating a piece of loaf and bacon. This is the most hilarious of showing helplessness in a police department. In a broader way, this man went viral through various social media where various memes have being produced to make fun of the whole action.

Fox46 Charlotte

This convict demanded that he was hungry and the only thing that could allow him take the mugshot is some food. when he was offered the bread, this is what he did. He was definitely accused with numerous charged and this would not stop him from doing it. He is one viral inmate,. convict and felony.

David Davis with his unique way of "i want it straight"

This David Davis is definitely raising eyebrows at the moment. This convict had his ambiance to embrace old school hip hop and 90's culture with his hair style. The event of taking this identification Picture started in the salon where David Davis wanted the best cut of the life time. Stay tuned to know what was happening to the life of this guy.

Stamford Police

Stamford Police caught this 21 years old Davies in a barbershop where he was going to get a hair cut. In a more detailed way, Davis slashed another ma with some barber scissors saying that the many was aggressive to him. Definitely he was punished for this acts but he was later released. He was not convicted after all. but this picture remained viral and famous.

Chelsey Edwards the eye catching lady

Chelsey Edwards was accused of stealing some worthy jewelry in a departmental store in USA. This was caught and found guilty of the charge and what happens next was one of the most interesting thing in the world. She pooped her eyes out and even m,am de the camera man laugh. She was a manager and this must have being a shame but she went into fame.


The amount of jewelry worth was $1034 but her bind was $9000. according to her facial expression, this might have being the factor that lead this lady to behave in this way. The eyes were poping in a hilarious way and this got many people in the social media domain laughing. In a elaborate way, a lot of meme s have being produced in relation ti this mug shot.

Luciano Gutierrez age on a felony.

In a more vivid way, the crime that this ma had committed was quite funny and hilarious. Luciano Gutierrez who was a 63 year old at the time had to take a mugshot or rather what most popular people term it as Identification Picture. In a very sarcastic way, this man had a T-shirt with a very interesting banner. I think he was trying to speak to the police.

Bell County Sheriff’s Dept

The man was released on a bond of $25,000 because he was associated reckless driving and driving under intoxication. In a less detailed way, many online dwells found this to be funny due to the banner t-shirt of this old man. A day after his released, this picture was already viral.

Lucas William Vincent the ear-less criminal.

Canterbury Police

In his Facebook account, various responses have being made regarding this man's action and mugshot.This ear less man should hold his ears straight and listen to the ways of staying safe. He should use his ears to listen to various key advises on using better ethics in the society. He trended and that all that matters.

Nicholas E. Sherman worst behavious of display.

This convict in USA decided too take an identification Picture in the worst display of self inking. The man looks like an aluminium foil wrapped around his face. Associated with various crimes,Nicholas E. Sherman looks like the Wizard of Oz in the tom and Jerry adventurer. He also seems to have health issues like joker in the movie joker.

NY State Police

This man was intoxicated on his way ho,e after an Oz related event. the picture busted on the internet and bloggers could not shut it up. some claimed this man taking boredom little bit too far and it was about time for him to change. In other news, this man had drunk too much and the alcohol content in his body was just about too high. 19% is quite high. This is an identification picture that will make you laughing again.

Eric Oram Butkiewicz definition of rainbow colors.

Eric Oram Butkiewicz was accused of selling and dealing with drug and narcotic substance by the Florida state police. This is the fanciest display of camouflager colors do do drugs and substance. He had cleared the air with his self proclaimed love on fireworks and took it on the media. Now Eric Oram Butkiewicz is a felony.

Daily Mail

The incident occurred closely in Miami where various Criminal acts including illegal drug selling and sex was happening. in a robust way, this character was trending in a large way and it all seemed worth the fun. The hair and the head of this convict appeals not so cool. America is all about freedom and i think the convict got what he wanted right.

Craig Buckner

Craig Buckner hilarious posture with his pet the parrot raised blows. Was the poor bird involved in this quagmire. Stick around for more but this picture took the internet away on another level. It is not what it is supposed to be but the officiates gave this man the Oder-city to take an identification picture with a parrot. This Parrot is among the rarest species ad this man adored this animal.

Washington County Sheriff’s Office

This 38 years old native made it clear that if the bird was not on the not around him, he would not turn up into court. In all the judicial procedures, this man made appearances with his pet and this parrot acquired a nick name, 'The jail Parrot. in an elaborate way, many were the times when online bloggers and dwellers grab this opportunities to make fun of them.

Andrew Anderson the sleepy convict

Andrew Anderson was from Kentucky and he was accused of the possession of marijuana and other narcotic drugs. They were many of them and the police suspected him of selling this products. The Identification Picture or the mugshot taken at the time made him look high and even made him harder to Support his case.


" All my friends are baked" sounded like a prove that he was selling drugs as well. It looked like an iconic T-shirt that acted as a landmark to his fellow customers. released on a bail bond of $2500, the mugshot went viral in various parts of the continent and various hilarious memes were produced. The felony charges were that he was found in possession of THC which is an illegal drug.

Patrick Tribbett is not happy.

with the look of things, Patrick Tribbett is not a happy many. many are the times when one is caught against his wish and it gets harder with the security personnel. How looks at the Identification picture is what made him go viral. The discoloration on and around his mouth looks fishy as feces. The spray around the mouth make the internet dwells develop various eye-blows.

The Smoking Gun

Lucky, this individual was being hired by various painting companies. He sued any company who had used his picture without his consent and things were getting tough. The golden sensation made him appear like a a warrior where various things were going down. some of this things include bring hired by various business as a brand ambassador and so on. despite this success, the image will never delete and it will always go viral in a broader way.

Christopher Ray Woods the cave man.

Christopher Ray Woods from Alabama was found with illegal THC. He was dressed in like the historical man with various skin coat all over his body. this is deemed as one of the fannies aspects of life despite the woes of Christopher Ray Woods. He was either celebration or on a medical illness. what we can assume is that the THC was doing 'good' to him

Baldwin County Corrections Center

This man got himself into a hairy and fat situation when he wanted to rock the festival with a little bit of weed. This was getting intense and very funny in the internet domain. Many termed his act of being caught by the police as a dush move. He wanted ti turn musical but all was getting trickier and messy. the police shod no chills and they just took the led to custody. This went viral and viral over time and time.

Adam Roberts with his lame tatooing

Adam Roberts from Illinois had the weirdest display of tattoos in his body. In a more descriptive way, his identification photo from the police department went various again. in a more elaborate way, online dwellers made fun of his skull tattoo and it all looked insane.

Madison County Sheriff’s Office

A sheriff confessed that that was the most bizarre thing he had ever seen a teen do. this was quite real with my argument. In a detailed way, the young fellow had stole a couple of dollars which would be used to buy a certain value of property. further more, this kid had a bone to chew with his parents for being extremely naughty and insane. this was a source of meme to this poor kid lifes

Ronald Goines rocking on celebrate vibes

This black man was balling in the custody. the 24 years old Ronald Goines was doing what he does best by balling at the wrong place. This mugshot was posted by a police department in Baltimore where this young man was accused with a felony of attempting to murder. This [post was a center of a hundred funnest jokes of all time.

Baltimore Police

According to various trusted sources by the police, this man was involve d with other gang which managed to escape as well. he was charge with first degree murder where he decided to vacate for a very long time. Evidently, he also shot two victims in their behind and this was getting way serious. he had to be in custody.

Ross McMakin "Drunk as his vest says"

This guy's vest said it all. he was drunk to the maximum when he was caught by law enforces. he was striped out of the car and made visit the police custody. Here, an identification picture or rather mugshot had to be taken. The shit said it all and he had no other choose other than getting punished. It remained a trending joke of all time.


This guy had being into all sorts of thing, she was involved with assaulting his girlfriend and so one.they were also parting illegal and hard , he was involved in recklessness and strangulation and things were getting off their roots. The fact that she was under the influence of alcohol made it seem like it was one of the worst ideas he ever did. he looks happy but he will still feel the pain.

Riley Dee Lewis the hilarious felony

This 36 year old Riley Dee Lewis is fond of all thus manners of identification pictures. this one was a step too far. It indeed got me laughing and everything in it is just funny. He was arrested in Ogden for his previously done mistakes.

Weber County Sheriff’s Office

Trustworthy sources show that this man was chasing two guys with a knife with intentions to hurt them. He might as well had other ideas such as killing the two guys or maybe he was scaring the guys off. Up to date, this picture in a debate setter in the internet. This information was emphasized by a reporter as well.

The twin getting nasty was one of the most unusual thing to happen in the police jurisdictional and custody. This two brothers were aligned in court for detonating an explosive device in several locations ion the winter. Pennsylvania was the locations where this two guys sis the unthinkable. what makes them trend is the handsome and perfect dress code.


Nobody was injured in all this quagmire but indefinably the duo faced it rough with the felony law against unprotected use of arms and explosives. they Christmas went way wrong than they had planned. Positively, they were trending for the best part of the day.

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