Imagine the pain of a mother of three finding out that she is not a part and parcel of the ideal motherhood.



Sadly, the worst that can happen in one's life is knowing the truth about life and it's natural occurrences. Descriptively, it hits different when a mother learns the kids she's raising are not her own.It is devastating!

Re-organizing one's life

going trough a break up is not easy and neither was it for Lydia Fairchild in 2002 when she broke up with her partner Jamie Townsend. The pain, the devastation and the loss not only of a soulmate but also the dreams and promises. With an anticipation of a new born, this lady had to face the worst after all. the being of her woes not forgetting her other two "Kids". The 26-year-old Washington State occupant was toiling to make ends meet of these young fellows. With this kind of pressure in life, seeking government's subsidy was all she could think of, The unlikely happened when she was shun of by the government agency and in addition Lydia become a person of interest in the criminal investigation.
Later on when Lydia found out that she was not the biological mother to her kids she was shocked and could not even begin to fathom how that was even likely.The response will raise a lot of questions.

Lydia needed to do her best as a mum to provide for her two children and the other one on the way.She was uncertain about the future since her whole life had been disrupted.She had no idea that soon life was going to take a rough turn and that she was jeopardizing her children been taken away.

Mother`s love.

The shared responsibilities were now hers and hers alone.She was struggling as a single mother and Lydia clearly needed help.She was trying to be strong for her two children and the third one soon to arrive but that was not enough.She decided to fill an application form to get financial assistance from the government

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It was necessary for both Lydia and Jamie to provide samples for a DNA test to verify their relationship to the children to whom they were appealing for financial aid when they were form filling.They saw no harm in this but little did they know that they were jumping from the frying pan into the fire.

The results

The two acquiesced the samples preceding to getting their application acknowledged.None of them had any reason to question or rather imagine that the result would be anything other than what they expected.Soon,Jamie`s results came back and as expected he was the children father with no doubt.

On the other hand, there was a hiccup in Lydia`s results that Jamie was not supposed to be a apart of. In the year 2002, Lydia was summoned by the Washington State Prosecutor to discuss the test results and that raised an alarm.

A bizarre day

Lydia went in to the prosecutors office, shut the door and they started a conversing.She supposed the meeting was part of the application and that the prosecutor actually wanted to know her on a personal before awarding her the government aid money.
To some degree she noticed that something was off with the tone in which the prosecutor was talking to her.

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The prosecutor asked her a lot of questions many of which suggested that she was a fraud.She did not understand why she was getting this harsh remarks.She got terrified when she realized that this was not a meeting for the Prosecutor to get to know her but rather a questioning.

The Questioning

Abruptly, it came to light to Lydia that the Department of Social Services did not believe that she was the mother as she had stated earlier in her application form.For a moment she comprehended the unfriendliness but none of it made any sense to her.

They assumed that Lydia was avaricious and that she was planning on using the innocent children to quench her thirst.Evidently,that was an unlawful transgression She could not think of anything she wrote in her application that would in any way, make anyone doubt that all she wanted was some help with raising her children but it seemed like there was and sooner or later she was going to find out what it was.

Strange Biology

The DNA test results clearly showed that Jamie was the biological father to the two children but the weird thing was that Lydia was not their biological mother.Lydia clearly had no relationship with the children and this led to a panic since she gave birth to them.

Lydia was convinced that the samples or rather the results had been tampered with and that those final results were incorrect.They assured her that the results were accurate and they were certain and with no reasonable doubt that she was not the biological mother to the children

terrifying scene

The status quo Lydia found herself in was lurid.She had conceived not only once but thrice and had given birth twice.She recognized the pain of delivering two children and the joy of been called a mother and was expecting another child.She felt a deep pain and wanted it to be a dream.She wanted to wake up from that nightmare but that was real

To get sense of what was going on,Lydia decided to get some answers from her gynecologist.On the other hand, Jamie, her ex was called for questioning with the charges of having an affair with another woman and having children with her then colluding with his ex Lydia to acquire money from the government illegally.

What an expert had to say about this unheard of situation

As expected, the gynecologist, Dr. Leonard Dreisbach, did not disappoint. He confidently confirmed that Lydia was indeed his patient and that she did give birth on his watch.He was also surprised to hear the disturbing accusations towards Lydia.

The gynecologist empathized with Lydia for the misfortunes she was facing and he made it clear that he was willing to help her in any possible way he could.The fact that the doctor had confirmed of Lydia`s births was not enough to convince the government officials and at this point Lydia had to get herself a legal representative.This case was far from over.

Fighting tooth and nail for her truth

It was not a walk in the park for Lydia Fairchild to find herself someone who was not only able but also willing to defend her.Her case was not like any other and therefore she understood how difficult it was to find someone who would believe that she was actually telling the truth.However,Alan Tindell took the case.

To be able to defend her and make sure that the jury found her innocent with no reasonable doubt, he made it clear that she needed to be honest with him and made sure that she left nothing back.This was not going to be an easy case and he needed all the facts.


A single mum of two and another soon to arrive,Lydia was having a really hard time handling the burden.Everything was too heavy and hard and she was not sure that she could handle all the pressure.She was at the edge of giving up and loosing it all at once.She was all alone without a shoulder to lean on.All she had was her children and at this point she was not so sure they were hers anymore.She was battling with so much and this did not stop the court.

Lydia was at the verge of loosing her kids.This was painful for her and she had no idea of what would happen next.The anxiety and fear,sadness and hopelessness were too much that she had to reach out to her family for moral support .

Psychological trauma

Lydia was in shock and denial.She was confused and at times she found her mind wondering thinking of the possibilities of however crazy her story was the jury actually believing her.She tried as much as she could to stay positive and keep her children safe and hidden from all the chaos.Tears of pain fell down her face like falling rain on a cold empty day.

Lydia was not prepared for any of the things she was going through at the moment.Never in her life would she wish on her worst enemy that kind of ordeal. she had to deal with the situation at hand like a real woman without breaking down into tears all the time since her children needed her.She had to be healthy and in the right mind for her unborn baby.

A birth like no other.

The long awaited day finally arrived and Lydia gave birth to her third child with Jamie.The child`s blood samples were collected immediately for testing.customarily. after welcoming a child to this world, the mother is usually surrounded by her loved ones.In this case,Lydia`s room had cops,investigators and not a doctor but doctors.This was extreme.

This situation was upsetting for the new mother in town.The pain of childbirth and no space for her to even catch her breath. This was just too much and unbearable. It was not long before the blood tests results were out. scandalous enough,Lydia once again was not the biological mother.
This was weird.

Experiments to get to the root cause

The doctors were not willing to rest until they understood what was going on.They took more blood samples from Lydia,tissue samples and anything else in Lydia's body that could be used to test foe DNA.Even with all this extra, nothing changed with the results.She still had no possible connection to the child considering the fact that she sure did give birth.

Anyone going through such would have crashed and it was not any different for Lydia.She was angry and felt disconnected.She stopped eating and nothing mattered to her more than her children.The thought of loosing them was eating her up every single minute of her life.The strength she had left was all spent worrying about her three children until she saw some light at the end of the tunnel.


Lydia`s mother came through for her daughter at this difficult time in her life.She willingly agreed to provide samples to be tested for any DNA connection to her grandchildren.Gladly, there was indeed a relationship and that gave Lydia`s case a new direction and an upper hand in court.She finally started having hope.

For a moment, Lydia thought to herself that maybe that was the discovery that was going to end her misery.For once in a very long time she could afford to put a smile on her face and this to her was a step forward and that was a good thing.Her fighting spirit for her truth was back and now she was ready more than ever. Little did she know that things were about to get a lot more exciting for her.

A Deviation

Lucky enough for Lydia,A similar case had just been cracked in Boston.Karen Keegan, a 52-year-old woman found herself in a similar situation when she was in great need of a new kidney.Sadly, two of her children were not a match.However, the third child showed a connection.

Due to that single connection, the doctors pursued that situation and studied Karen Keegan over the years.The New England Journal of Medicine entails the discovery of the unique condition.Fortunately Lydia`s Legal representative was in possession of that specific journal.

The possibility

Bearing in mind what he had learnt,Alan Tindell confronted his client Lydia with the great perhaps of a connection between her medical condition and that of Karen keegan. This case was getting exciting every single day.

With the knew information brought to her by her lawyer, all Lydia wanted was to put this case to bed. She agreed to do a final test which was screening her cervix.This would either show that her case and Karen`s were similar and for that matter confirm that she was telling the truth or rather take a different turn and show no connection between the two conditions and that would not be good for her.Either way, she was ready to take the risk.


People have and will always be nosy especially for an individual vs the government. Lydia`s case did not get any special treatment.This was an eye catching case and everyone made it their business to know what was going on.Lydia was now a public image. people who did not even have the smallest idea if what was going on and what she was going through were already dimming her as an offender. This was not fair for Lydia`s family. She did not deserve public humiliation

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She was called names by people she did not know.There were different tales of what people thought they knew and actually had no clue about .What they did nit know is that they were repeatedly accusing her of something she was not guilty of and that would be a shame on them.

Until when?

Lydia, now the mother of three,was willing to fight with all she had for her children.She swore not to let anyone or anything separate her from her young ones.All she wanted was help to raise them and not them being taken away from her.She wished that all this madness would end soon and that she would return to her normal life and raise her children with no problems.

It was later realized that she indeed did have a rare condition that would make her famous.Her condition would be published and help someone else in a similar condition in the near future.This were not only good but great news that Lydia was about to receive

The Final piece of The Puzzle

The test results for her cervical screening were finally out and they were what she had hoped for.This news gave her closure since the results proved that without any reasonable doubt she was the biological mother to her three children. This so far were the best news she had heard since the whole nightmare began

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Lydia felt liberated.She felt as if a heavy load had just been lifted from her shoulder.She was glad and saw a happy ending to that terrible experience.Her head was held high and she was confident.

Out of the ordinary

Both Karen and Lydia were suffering from a condition known as The Generic Syndrome.This explained why the connection with their children was not noted.This is an unusual condition with very few cases in humans.The Generic Syndrome also known as Chimerism is very unfamiliar since there are only 40 documented events in the whole world.

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The answer to the question every tom ,dick and harry was asking,was knowing that the condition was during gestation period just after conception before any of these women were born.As it proves to be the case, there were many genomes proving generic materials in the bodies therefore manipulating the DNA test results.


Chimerism is the same in both humans and animals. chimeras begin as twins. But at a certain point during the early stages of the pregnancy, one of the twins is eaten by the other. This occurs far before the pregnant mother becomes aware that she was originally going to have twins.

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In addition to the existing knowledge,, the remaining cells of the absorbed twin do not vacate the mother’s body completely, some percentage is not wholly able to fuse with those of the surviving twin. This was the crucial detail of information they all needed to hear. Lydia hoped it was enough.

The Mystery

In chimerism, the cells of the previously existing twin do not dissolve, they form in at an exact place within the body of their sibling. In Karen Keegan’s case, a lump with her twin’s genetic DNA was extracted from her thyroid, and its data matched that of her first two children.

Moreover, the test showed that the DNA in Karen’s thyroid was totally different from that in her other cells. On the other hand, Lydia Fairchild`s twin had formed in her womb, explaining why her children`s DNA did not match hers.With all the facts she needed to win the case,she was ready to head to court.


After fighting for her truth for 16 good months, Lydia`s case was finally put to bed.Now she could sleep well at night and go on with her life after it had been disrupted.The judge was apologetic and the woes were over.This was a triumphant moment for her and her truth was hears and she had proved everyone wrong.She was a happy woman.

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After all was put to bed,Lydia and Jamie agreed to get back together and see where things go which was what she needed after that terrific experience.Their application for assistance was finally accepted and they were rewarded the financial support.

Abstract Theories

Chimerism was named after the chimera, a mythological Greek monster composed of a lion, a goat, and a serpent, heralding ill fortune for those who witness it. In Lydia and Karen’s cases, their chimerism did not demonstrate any external markings, and was only detectable by way of genetic testing.

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A chimera from a male and female twin can become a hermaphrodite. In the event that a chimera is born that had originally been a set of twins of the same sex, they can on occasion possess a patch of skin or even an eye that is a different color. In animals, however, its thrilling.


Change is inevitable.With the ever changing technology, scientist are still trying to fathom the true nature of chimerism. In 2017, scientists at the Salk Institute in San Jose, California managed to create a true chimera, that is to say, a hybrid between species. They edited the DNA of a day-old pig embryo, deleting one of its organs, and replacing it with human stem cells.

The fetus grew with a human organ. Scientists hope to be able to use this method in stem-cell research to grow human organs.Lydia’s chimerism unfolded how special she was.
Sources: Coolimba, YouTube – Real Stories.


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